Blog Posts


Most coaches I know have a library of quotes and motivational sayings that they use either in the locker room or on handouts that they produce for their players.  I was no different…..I will post some of my favorite quotes that I have used over the years and new ones that I come across.  Some will be in pictures, others will be in simple paragraph form.  My intentions are to provide you with a library of quotes that you can access at any time.  By clicking on the ‘Qoutes’ tab at the top of the page, or on the ‘Quotes’ tab

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I’m A Blogger?

The thought of that actually cracks me up, how in the heck did I get to here? During my first year out of coaching, I worked for one of my former players, Scott Stephens.  During that time, we reflected back and talked a lot about some of the things that went on during my coaching career….he was fascinated by some of the ‘behind the scenes’ stories and suggested that I write a book.  My first reaction was to laugh at him, but then I started jotting down some of the things I had observed, some reflections back on those 29

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