Linked below is the ‘Power Of Positive Summit’. This is a limited time series of videos by various people that present their thoughts on being positive. Being positive is something that takes a lot of work……it’s about building habits and learning how to train yourself to think in a positive light. Like anything else, it comes easier for some than others. It’s not about walking around with a pollyanna outlook, ignoring reality. Being positive is about learning how to deal with negative things that occur daily. When I was coaching, I believed that positivity was an important ingredient in building …
Blog Posts
April 4……..a great day in my little sports world: The Texas Rangers open up their 2016 season against the scroungy Seattle Mariners from the dreary northwest. Love baseball, love the Rangers, big hopes for them this season. And, I still haven’t forgiven Nelson Cruz for not catching that fly ball. But, an even bigger game, in a different sport, will be going on in Indianapolis at about the same time: The Lady Chaps of Lubbock Christian University will take on the Alaska-Anchoage Seawolves (really cool name) for the DII Women’s Basketball National Championship. What a cool and great deal for …
I have about 4 or 5 posts started, but am having trouble finishing them…..I just kind of start rambling and can’t really figure out a closing for them. Maybe I don’t need to worry too much about structure, opening, closing, etc…..after all, I’m not really a writer. While I’m getting some of those things sorted out in my feeble mind, I thought I would share a couple of articles with you. Both are really good reads, about really good kids…..that happen to be really good basketball players. The first one is about Breanna Stewart, the second one is about (and …
Just to follow up my last post, I wasn’t trying to bash officials. Blame for the sloppy/trashy endings to basketball games lies just as much with the coaches as with officials. I do think officials bear 100% of the responsibility for the ‘swallow the whistle’ mindset, but I think that coaches share in the responsibility for the sloppiness (and sometimes trashiness) at the end of games. I have seen teams continue to foul, the last few seconds of a double digit loss……that’s on us (coaches). I’ve seen teams simply push or hack, with no attempt at a legal play, then …
It’s a phrase used by coaches all over the country…..coaches talk all the time about ‘finishing’ a drive to the basket, or ‘finishing’ a game with the same intensity and focus as the game was started with. Or, in a broader sense, ‘finishing’ a goal that was started the previous year by claiming that they have ‘unfinished business’. One of my pet peeves about the game of basketball, is that the sport itself, does a poor job of ‘finishing’ it’s games. Point #1: the rules of the sport change down the stretch….officials are encouraged to ‘let the kids decide’ by …
My last post (What Coaches Want Parents To Know) was by far the most read post so far on this site, with over 8,000 views. With this post, I want to talk a little more about parents and playing time. I want it to be known, that as a whole, I had great parents. One of the benefits of this profession is all the people we get to meet, and I had lots of truly incredible people that had kids play for me. I really have had relatively few problems with parents. Off the top of my head, I remember …