To Kneel, Or Not To Kneel….

I’m just a simple old has-been coach that started this blog to share some coaching thoughts and experiences in order to hopefully give fellow coaches some things to think about. Unfortunately, politics have made their way into the sports arena again,so I thought I would share some thoughts on this subject. I have some hesitation in doing this because I don’t want what I’m saying to be misunderstood… is not my intent to add to the discourse. Personally, I applaud anyone that sees injustice and truly wants to do something about it.


Our words and actions, are what they are. The words we use, and many of the actions we participate in, carry certain meanings with them. We don’t get to determine, erase, or change what those meanings are.

For example, there are any number of racially charged words that carry with them derogatory and hurtful meanings. It doesn’t really matter if the user intends to convey that derogatory or hurtful meaning, or not. Society generally doesn’t give them a pass because they say ‘I didn’t mean it that way’.

Now, apply that same logic to our actions. The flag of the United States flies because of the sacrifices of the men and women that have served to secure, and keep, our freedom (although given our incredible tax burden, I’m not sure how free we are, but that’s a different rant). The National Anthem is played, as that flag is put on display, prior to athletic contests specifically to recognize and honor those sacrifices. The action of kneeling or sitting during the playing of that Anthem, is disrespectful towards those that are being honored by the playing of that Anthem. The sitter, or kneeler, doesn’t get to determine what that action means. So, the excuse of ‘we’re not protesting against the flag’doesn’t hold up in my opinion…..same way as ‘I didn’t mean it that way’ doesn’t hold up when a racially charged word or phrase is used. That’s my opinion anyhow, and I also think this is the primary reason the backlash has been so strong… is offensive to a large number of people, whether that was the intent or not.

Having said all that, its not my intent here to bash those that are choosing to kneel….as I said, I applaud anyone that seeks to correct injustice. I do not agree with them, nor do I agree with some of the blanket accusations against them. The problem now is that everybody is reacting out of emotion and using both the regular and social medias to feed that emotion. Emotion is a powerful tool/weapon, but unfortunately it rarely leads to solutions.

How does this all end?
If the intentions were to draw attention to social matters, mission accomplished. Now, thosethat truly want to do something about the social injustices that they claim to be protesting against need to stand up and be vocal and active within their communities….use their fame and fortune to set up programs that involve kids or help families. Set up scholarships or opportunities that help level the un-level playing field that they are protesting against.

For this to happen, someone with fame and influence has to stand up and say ‘enough of the divisiveness!’ If you are waiting or hoping for a politician to be that person….ha! That ain’t gonna happen, nor should it! This is not a government fix, this is a ‘We The People‘ fix. I wish that we would stop looking for and expecting the government to get more involved in our lives. Getting any more politicians involved will only further escalate the situation and widen the divide. Politicians thrive on the division, the worse they can make the other ‘side’ look, the more they can get their ‘side’ fired up. Both ‘sides’ are guilty…reds and blues, rights and lefts, liberals and conservatives, republicans and democrats. But again, like taxes, that is for another rant.

If not a political leader, then who is the person that can say ‘enough is enough, let’s move forward now’? Really, it’s any of the professional athletes that truly want to see this country move forward from this….anyone that wants to be a part of the solution instead of continuing the problem. Specifically though, the individual in the most powerful position to affect a move forward, is youCollin Kaepernick. (I’m sure there is no way he’ll ever read this, but I thought it sounded more dramatic! Haha)

If anybody in the history of the world ever had a bully pulpit, it’s you, right now. You started this, now you have a golden opportunity to follow it through by starting the recovery and starting the change that you sought. You wore a Fidel Castro shirt, surely you could put on a MAGA cap or simply a pro-America shirt, hold a press conference, and tell everybody to stand up and get active with kids in their respective communities. You have the opportunity to make a real and positive impact on the future of the kids in this country. You have the opportunity to secure your legacy beyond football. Pick the ball up and run with it.

One comment: On To Kneel, Or Not To Kneel….

  • My feelings exactly! I have been trying to think of a way to put this in words but I never could have done so this eloquently! Thank you for the blog!

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